Dodany do listy startowej
Data | Drużyna | Sportowcy |
17-10 15:30 | Crelan - Corendon | Sinaey, Xaydee Van |
17-10 15:29 | Pauwels Sauzen - Bingoal | Betsema, Denise |
16-10 16:43 | G.S. Winnerbike | Bolzan, Matilde |
16-10 16:43 | Reifen Racing | Hadnum, Katie |
16-10 16:43 | Reifen Racing | Skinner, Phoebe |
16-10 16:43 | SBC Dirt Union | Ishikawa, Nanami |
16-10 16:28 | AA Drink Young Lions | Schampaert, Lien |
16-10 16:28 | Acrog - Tormans | Coppens, Nette |
16-10 16:28 | Alpecin - Deceuninck | Alvarado, Ceylin Del Carmen |
16-10 16:28 | ASD Women Cycling Project | Secchi, Giorgia |
16-10 16:28 | Baloise-WB Ladies | Schollaert, Shanaya Esther |
16-10 16:28 | Bike-Advice Cycling Team | Waterschoot, Famke van |
16-10 16:28 | Charles Liégeois Roastery CX | Brouwers, Julie |
16-10 16:28 | Crelan - Corendon | Bakker, Manon |
16-10 16:28 | Crelan - Corendon | Norbert Riberolle, Marion |
16-10 16:28 | Cycling Team Jade - LDL | Defour, Lara |
16-10 16:28 | Cyclocross Reds | Alphen, Aniek van |
16-10 16:28 | Cyclocross Reds | Worst, Annemarie |
16-10 16:28 | De Ceuster - Bouwpunt | Franck, Alicia |
16-10 16:28 | Derwentside Cycling Club | Eyeington, Kacey |
16-10 16:28 | Essec Cycling Team | Raedemaeker, Alexe De |
16-10 16:28 | Essec Cycling Team | Schevenels, Lies'l |
16-10 16:28 | EvoDevo Cycling | Colling, Alice |
16-10 16:28 | Lotto - X-Oats Athletes for Hope | Crabbé, Kiona |
16-10 16:28 | Lotto Dstny Ladies | Vervloet, Sterre |
16-10 16:28 | Never Give Up by Jolien Verschueren | Polfliet, Alana |
16-10 16:28 | Never Give Up by Jolien Verschueren | Steene, Kim Van de |
16-10 16:28 | Never Give Up by Jolien Verschueren | Vos, Nele De |
16-10 16:28 | Pauwels Sauzen - Bingoal | Schoesitter, Shanyl De |
16-10 16:28 | Proximus - Cyclis - Alphamotorhomes | Bruyne, Meg De |
16-10 16:28 | Proximus - Cyclis - Alphamotorhomes | Gort, Femke |
16-10 16:28 | Proximus - Cyclis - Alphamotorhomes | Sels, Loes |
16-10 16:28 | Proximus - Cyclis - Alphamotorhomes | Zwaenepoel, Tessa |
16-10 16:28 | Shibden Cycling Club | Wong, Esther |
16-10 16:28 | Team Willink - Brussels Cycling | Delcommune, Juline |
16-10 16:28 | TWC Pijnenburg | Moes, Noï |
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36) Zaczyna się w czw 17 paź 2024, 14:15
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